The Darakaraka is used for Marriage Timing and long-term relationships are also predicted using the Darakaraka. In the example below, Venus (Ven) is the planet with the lowest degree and therefore, is the Darakaraka (DK). This is the planet that represents your spouse, husband for woman, and wife for a man. To calculate your Darakaraka find the planet with the lowest degree in your Vedic Astrology Birth Chart Report. Your Darakaraka is the planet with the lowest degree out of all the 7 Jaimini Chara Karakas. You can know your spouse secrets (even before meeting him or her) by studying the planet that is your Darakaraka and knowing what nakshatra your Darakaraka is in. It is the signification of your 7th house of Marriage and is used to predict your Marriage age ( timing of marriage) and long- term relationships.
Your Darakaraka is your spouse (husband or wife). What is Your Darakaraka | Your Spouse Secrets